Dean Noblett

Ascension Teacher, Reiki Master & Transpersonal Counsellor

With my wife Rebecca, I am the co-founder of HeartLight - Living from the Heart and have dedicated my life to my own spiritual growth and to understanding the bigger picture so that I can help guide others on the path to living their most authentic selves.

Many years of seeking, spiritual study and intensive inner work have led me to becoming a certified Reiki Master, Transpersonal Counsellor and teacher of metaphysics. My life experience and formal training have inspired me to help others identify conscious and unconscious resistance to expressing their greatest potential. I mentor others to expand the vision of who they are and the world they live in by providing a deeper knowledge and belief in themselves, by raising their spiritual awareness, and finding the courage to create the life of their dreams.

In Australia, I had 25 years of experience in business including ownership, management, marketing and sales. It became clear to me that success in any business endeavour is directly related to the conscious awareness and values of the people within the organization. This inspired me on my own path of self-awareness and ultimately to help others do the same. A business is successful if the employers and its employees are unified with their mission and intent and they are integral to be of service providing a genuine caring for each other and their clients. In fact, I am emphatic that successful business means creating win-win situations for all involved.

I consider it an honour to encourage and inspire others who are ready to take responsibility for their own well-being so they may, in turn, inspire others. As a mentor and healer, I am dedicated to every aspect of an individual's process and join in celebrating both their challenges and victories. I use many healing modalities and techniques in my work, including practical life experience, intuitive guidance, energy work, affirmations, music and even the earthy sounds of the didgeridoo!

"We are witnessing monumental times where consciousness is evolving at a very rapid rate", says Dean, "and we all must move into our heart centres so we can all align our consciousness with the higher attributes of the heart. In order to create peace in our world, then the heart of humanity has to be aligned to the attributes of unconditional love, such as forgiveness, non-judgement, acceptance, compassion, tolerance and kindness. In order to bring that to the world, we must first give it to ourselves. This is the key to finding peace."
Living from the Heart means assisting people to move from fear-based behaviour born in separation from each other, to being in their heart centre which is founded on love and the principle that we are all One. From this place residing within us, we connect to our soul essence and from there we affect all things around us - and ultimately the entire planet - in miraculous and profound ways.