Return to Innocence

Spring is a beautiful thing. Just when we tire from the hesitancy and introspection, all things are reborn again.

It is enough to stir our awareness and excitement for life once more. Out of the dark, long night, the sweet sound of birds pierce the silence of the morning air. All is well! All is always well, we just forget. Just as we think we cannot go any further, a light beckons. Just when we think we are gasping for breath, it is nourished. It seems our faith and resolve are tested in this way in order to secure it more deeply within us. Our trust would not grow if it wasn’t stretched. And so seems the ebb and flow of life. With each contraction, we are then released expanded in a new way. It does seem like the challenges are heightening and the stretches are more frequent, but let us promise you there is sound and exciting reason. It is getting better, more expanded, ever-deepening and more enriched. The spring always comes again.

We know it seems like there couldn’t possibly be more stretching to do or more expanding to make, but this is the way of evolution and you are it! The greatest wisdom we can share is the appreciation of each precious moment and the deep faith that all is always well. No matter what. No matter what. You are taken to the end of your rope in order to experience how you respond to that and the full range of emotion and testing and capacity you have in those enriching times. Don’t underestimate the power of suffering (as the Buddha well knew) for it is your greatest teacher. From this, alchemy does its magic and you are transformed, forever changed and moving towards ever more evolutionary growth. This is how Mother Earth became the magnificently beautiful dynamic orb of life that she is today. So accepting this re-evolutionary and constant morphing change is an acceptance of life, in going with it and not against it. This is harmonious and free. Non-resistance is vital to life. Feel the difference between resistance and acceptance within your body and witness that one is against life and the other is life-supporting. Our cells are programmed to flourish in a peaceful environment and they retract in danger…in this we have the constant choice of the fountain of youth within us. Choose expansion and life!

From within the innocence of spring comes new life, so here is another clue: remain innocent. Appreciate the freshness and purity of innocent sight and thought and feeling, as everything is new again. The belief in dull repetition and stale boredom, and inevitable aging and death, makes it all just that. The choice for life is held in the edge of death and birth. All is new again. Feel the difference within your body when you know that. There is only dull repetition when you believe it to be so. And, you don’t have to be concerned about whether you are climbing or sliding down the mountain, you just get to BE the glorious, alive, majestic mountain!

And so it is not about just living and existing, it is about the perspective you have, the radiance you choose, the life you emanate. Are you consciously choosing to live from the pure, innocent, rejuvenating, life-enhancing point-of-view, or are you jaded and tired and just sliding down the back of the mountain? Are you expanding or contracting? Is there more light or more darkness in your future? Are you healed or are you heavy? Are you allowing the natural process of spring’s renewal within you? Are you resurrected?

Remember that whatever you believe is true.

No matter what - we are,

Your Loving Council of Light Within



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